MySQL Spring

MySQL batch insertion with Spring Data JPA

Batch insertion is essential when it comes to large data sets batch operations. It significantly reduces the database round trips and boosts the operation performance. Hence, it facilitates scaling the application with good performance. In this post, we will discuss how to do MySQL batch insertion with Spring Data JPA. Introduction Spring Data JPA uses […]

Linux MySQL

Enable MySQL query logging in Ubuntu

In this post, I explain about how to enable MySQL query logging for all queries. To enable query logging, historically you needed to edit my.cnf file under /etc/mysql path. However, the path and the file name is not valid anymore. In the newer versions, you need to edit mysqld.cnf that is located at /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d. To […]


How to resolve error 1175 in MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench is a useful visualization tool for database architects, which provides similar features to PostgreSQL pgAdmin. Even though, that I am not a big fan of MySQL (I am a Postgres zombie 😉 ) , I cannot escape from it since it is widely used anywhere in any project. MySQL Workbench by default has […]


How to increase max connection size of PostgreSQL in Ubuntu

If you are accessing to PostgreSQL database using programming language, sometimes, you may get exception such as fatal sorry too many clients already or more precisely the following exception in Java. org.postgresql.util.psqlexception fatal sorry too many clients already The reason for such an error is due to the fact that your program perhaps made too […]


PostgreSQL useful features

Previously I wrote some posts about PostgreSQL such as basic commands, trigger, replications, etc. In this post I will go one more level more and start playing with config files, logs and other stuff. The first thing that I would like to demonstrate is PostgreSQL log file. Basically live PostgreSQL log file is a very […]


Database trigger in PostgreSQL

Triggers in DB provides a facility to set triggers on certain tables for performing events (insert, delete, update) in another table. For instance, I want if any entry added to table A, consequentially a new row will be added to table B with some information that comes from table A. This process also is applicable […]

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