
How to resolve CreateContainerConfigError in Kubernetes

Kubernetes is the defacto container orchestration for deploying microservices in 2024. However, still, troubleshooting is not as easy as sshing to a machine and getting the output logs. In this article, we focus on how to resolve CreateContainerConfigError in Kubernetes. What is CreateContainerConfigError The error occurs when Kubernetes cannot create a configuration because there’s a […]


Kubernetes resource allocation explained

Understanding Kubernetes resource allocation is crucial for optimizing performance and ensuring efficient utilization of resources within your cluster. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into CPU and memory allocation in Kubernetes deployments, providing clarity and examples to help you navigate this aspect of Kubernetes management. CPU allocation When defining resource requirements for a Kubernetes deployment, […]

AWS DevOps

Retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager by version

AWS provides Secrets Manager that allows storing and retrieving secrets, credentials, and versioning. In this article, we discuss how to retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager by version using AWS CLI. AWS Secrets Manager As mentioned earlier, AWS Secrets Manager is a powerful tool to store secrets and credentials. One of its strong points is […]

Kubernetes Spring

Remote debug a Spring Boot application in Kubernetes

Sometimes, debugging an application locally is insufficient to pinpoint the underlying issue. Additionally, there are times when the infrastructure limitations do not allow one to debug an application. In such scenarios, remote debugging is a reasonable approach. However, that requires some preparations. In this article, we cover how to remote debug a Spring Boot application […]

Docker Spring

Build Docker images in Spring Boot 3

New versions of Spring Boot provide easy ways to build Docker images without using any third-party libraries or services such as Spotify Maven plugin or Jib. In this tutorial, we cover how to build Docker images in Spring Boot 3. The good old dockerfile approach The most common approach to building a Docker image is […]

Java Kubernetes

Capture Java apps heap dumps on Kubernetes (the poor man’s way)

One of the practices when dealing with memory leak issues is to take a heap dump and analyze it to figure out which part of the code is causing the leak. The method of capturing heap dump varies depending on the technology stack. It is not limited to a single silver bullet. Some frameworks like […]

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