I have tried to launch and run a new Swing application in Netbeans 7.0.1 but surprisingly, I saw that when I had run the application, Java gave me bunch of exceptions regarding that package org.jdesktop.layout does not exist ubuntu
. At first I have thought that the problem might come from Open JDK but with further research I have found the solution which seems that a small bug in NetBeans.
It is very quick and easy fix, you just need follow the below steps,
- Install libbatik-java package with apt-get
$ sudo apt-get install libbatik-java
- Run Netbean in terminal with following command,
$ netbeans -cp:a /usr/share/java/batik-ext.jar
That is it, the problem solved and I finally I can run my Swing application without any issue on Ubuntu 12.04.