Python YouTube

Avoid recursive functions at all costs in Python

It’s been a long time since my last YouTube video. I have decided to create a new video to raise some awareness. The video is about why recursive functions should be avoided especially in Python. This is particularly important because Python became the most popular programming language on GitHub. And it means more people use […]


How to disable YouTube recommendations

In this video, I demonstrate how to disable YouTube recommendations using uBlock Origin plugin by adding a custom filter. Inline/featured images credits Drake meme from Hotline Bling

BSDs Pinebook YouTube

Running FreeBSD on Pinebook, a review

FreeBSD has an official image for Pinebook, 14″ edition which was initially released on November 2018. Since then they have released multiple versions which the latest one at the time of authoring this article is r342020, released on December 13. In this article, first, we go through the installation process of FreeBSD on Pinebook. Then […]

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