Blogging is now!

As I have stated in yesterday’s post, I was planning to move the blog. I finally move the old blog (GeeksWeb) to its own dedicated domain and renamed it. So here we are (GeeksWeb) is (Geeky Hacker) now! So far the transition went alright and nothing weird happened. There might be few glitches […]


Is it feasible to daily publish a technical post as an amateur blogger?

The internet, Medium in specific, is full of articles discussing how every blogger should write and publish daily. While I’m a big fan of writing and see many benefits in writing, I don’t believe it makes much of sense for amateur bloggers to force themselves to write and publish every day. Especially if the contents […]


Necessary tools to become a better blogger

I am not a good writer and definitely a professional blogger neither. But as a hobbyist blogger for years I came to know some valuable tools that wished someone had shared with me without learning the hard way. This post explains useful tools to help you to become a better blogger. Or even getting started […]


Blogger vs Google sites vs Github

In the last couple of days I have become extremely curious about various blogging platforms and I have come to conclusion to write a short post for those that might get confused about the difference between Blogger, Google sites and GitHub. What I have found out regarding the mentioned platform is the usage of what […]

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