In the last couple of days I have become extremely curious about various blogging platforms and I have come to conclusion to write a short post for those that might get confused about the difference between Blogger, Google sites and GitHub.
What I have found out regarding the mentioned platform is the usage of what you want to have.
For instance, if you want to have a blog and only post something or write something and publish it quickly and easily, I would recommend you to use Blogger. It is very simple and has great ranking. It is very easy to setup for novice and start publishing your content. You can auto published your content on social networks such as Google+ easily and almost effortlessly. In addition to that you are able to publish your content with just sending an email. Blogger also offers mobile apps which you can manage your blog with your mobile devices.
However, Blogger is not look very professional. It is not suitable and logical to create for instance a company website using blogger. The question is what other options remain?
For easy setup your company website or your portfolio, Google site is the best options specially for those who do not want to be involve in coding or spend the time for building the website. It doesn’t require much knowledge and easy to start with. In addition to that you also can host your blog in Google sites, however, it has less facilities.
Finally what GitHub is used for and for whom? AKA GitHub pages is kind of swissknife which means you can do, design whatever you want with that. It is quite flexible and allows you to design and make your blog/website in anyway that you want, but it requires some web prior knowledge. GitHub page is facilitated with static content generator Jekyll, though you are not limited only to that. You are free to use anything except server side languages and programming. For example, you can integrate a great tool like Twitter bootstrap. You also can even write simple HTML code and publish your content there. You should keep in your mind that content and design of your site would be available for everybody on the repository. Furthermore, publish and editing content might be troublesome for those people that are not very familiar with web. For instance, if your site doesn’t have any panel or interface to publish your post or change content by contrast of Google site or Blogger, then you need to go through the code and apply the changes and after that commit the code to GitHub. This makes the process little bit complicated but instead it gives you extreme flexibility. If you are curious and eager to learn how to make a website or blog from scratch, I highly recommend GitHub pages. Or if you are geek then go with GitHub 😉