Listening to on-line radio in Linux terminal

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Linux terminal has numerous abilities with using of different tools and applications. One of them is listening to on-line radio. This task is possible via utilizing either Mpg123 application or Mplayer. The procedure is really simple you just need to find .pls file and add the appropriate option to play the file which contains of the URL of the radio station(s). If you want to listen to on-line radio via .pls file look at the below examples which have done in Mplayer and Mpg123.

$ mpg123 --list 'SKY FM - New Age.pls'
$ mplayer -playlist 'SKY FM - New Age.pls'

You also can provide the URL of the radio station directly like following,

$ mpg123
$ mplayer

Finally following websites contain .pls files of many radio stations for your use.
