A sneak peek of upcoming posts

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Well, I first wrote this piece in my Mastodon account, @kasra_mp. But then I decided to also republish it here so my readers know what post I will publish in the next two to three weeks.

I decided to give a sneak peek of what articles I’m going to publish in the upcoming weeks on my blog. But first telling an interesting story.

Well, two weeks ago I started with the idea of writing an article about Active Record. And why it’s not a very good idea to use it in medium/large or even any serious projects.

Then I thought to deliver my message more effectively I better be pragmatic by providing an example. And then discuss about it in details.

So to prepare the example, I have to learn a new library in my language of choice, Java. I picked up Activejdbc and started to learn and implement a good example around it.

Halfway through, I realized perhaps one article won’t be sufficient to discuss both Active Records and present ActiveJdbc example. Hence, I decided instead of writing one enormous article, to write two.

But then I realized both learning and writing will take sometimes so better first to prepare another article to keep my blog updated in the meantime.

For that, I went for Testcontainer. It was a good idea because I had the practical example at hand and just needed to write the article and put the code snippet from another project there.

I almost completed the Test containers article but then lost both Activejdbc and Test container example codes. Then I said well it doesn’t matter I can prepare the Test containers code again easily. Then in the redoing of that example, I’ve found another library (Spring Data Elasticsearch to be precise). That caught my attention so I’ve decided to implement the example with that. After that, I saw it is good to write an article around that.

So I’m down the rabbit hole and I have to write and publish at least four articles in the next weeks as follows:

  • Spring Data Elasticsearch
  • Testcontainers
  • Activejdbc
  • Active Record

On the bright side is I’m also learning a lot and I know for that fact, I’m not out of content for sometimes 😉

So far I have two articles half written but they need some modifications. And yet I have to re-implement Activejdbc example as I lost the code. I got it working and was very excited about it.

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