How to create the classic Linux progress bar using Bash Script

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How to create the classic Linux progress bar using Bash Script. Those who are old enough may remember the old Linux kernel progress bar like this: “|”, “/”, “-“, “\” at the boot time. I quite like this style of the progress bar and decided to assemble a simple script for nostalgia purpose. Fortunately, I found a YouTube video by Kris Occhipinti that does a similar thing.

Below is the classic Linux progress bar code inspired by Kris Occhipinti’s video with some minor modifications:

progress() {
    progressArr=( '|' '/' '-' '\' )
    while [ 1 ]
        for i in "${progressArr[@]}"
            echo -ne "\r$i"
            sleep 0.2

This code can be combined with cp command to add progress capability to it with some hack. That’s another post for another day.