Installing Teamviewer on OpenSUSE 42.1 Leap

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Since last weekend I am working with openSUSE Leap and so far I have had a good experience. It is working perfectly, no glitch, freeze or funny bug. The only unresolved issue is the WiFi connection which I have not had time to go through and found a solution. As I am working more in openSUSE, I need to install more software and sometimes this might be inconvenient for me as a regular Ubuntu user.

Today, I have attempted to install TeamViewer and installation had failed right away by giving me the following message,

warning: teamviewer_10.0.46203.i686.rpm: Header V4 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 72db573c: NOKEY
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by teamviewer-10.0.46203-0.i686 is needed by teamviewer-10.0.46203-0.i686 is needed by teamviewer-10.0.46203-0.i686 is needed by teamviewer-10.0.46203-0.i686

From error message, it is clear that I don’t have libjpeg, libpng12, libSM, and libXtst installed in my system. If you have all the mentioned packages installed, you most probably will not get any error. Or if some installed and some not, you might get different error. Anyhow, in order to install the packages in openSUSE I have executed the following commands and managed to install TeamViewer successfully. Keep note that I mention installation of each package separately. It is easier to run especially for those who didn’t get the same error like mine.

For libjpeg package,

$ sudo zypper install libjpeg62*

For libpng12,

$ sudo zypper install libpng12-*

For libSM,

$ sudo zypper install libSM-*

For libXtst,

$ sudo zypper install libXtst-*