Painless WordPress HTTPS migration

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Painless WordPress HTTPS migration. I have my blog running on HTTPS over two years now. But until recently I didn’t enforce it, mainly due to SEO. Finally, last month I decided to migrate to HTTPS once and forever. The plan was to enforce users to use HTTPS and even if they enter an HTTP URL, they should be redirected to HTTPS version.

After doing some research about different alternatives and possible risk, I took the simplest and laziest approach, installing a plugin. Yes, you read it correctly. It is the most painless WordPress HTTPS migration possible. All it takes is to install a simple plugin to enforce HTTPS.

I decided to go with <a href="">Really Simple SSL</a>. I personally found it quite amazing. Because, it won’t cause much trouble for SEO, at least it didn’t in my case. I’m assuming once a crawler hits an HTTP page, it will redirect to HTTPS. Besides that, you don’t need to do any configurations at all.

Just bear in mind that if you switch to HTTPS, need to create a new entry for your Google Webmasters and adjust Google Analytics setting to show statistics of the HTTPS version of your site.