Removing header search box in Simple Catch theme

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Simple Catch theme is used in my WordPress blog for three years and I am quite happy with that. It is very handy and easy to maintain, beside I don’t change and manipulate the theme and look of the blog often.

When I setup my blog for the first time, I had configured almost everything except widget section and social media configuration. These two have been changing over time. Recently, I have added few new widget and this might cause a sort of inconvenience for user to scroll down and up constantly. Additionally, makes website looks ugly.

Therefore, I have decided to delete Google search box to make some space and deprecated totally as Google search box can’t be placed in header and also the result is so far not accurate at all which makes me very unhappy. To do that I have deleted the widget straight away. Then I remembered, Simple Catch theme by default has a search box in header and I have disabled it before with adding the following CSS code in Simple Catch theme options, under custom CSS section. This is the code that is used to disable the top/header search box.

#header .social-search form.searchform {
  display: none;

So, I have removed the code and refresh the page and yeah it worked as expected.