Linux is the most flexible and powerful OS I have ever seen. Many useful as well as fun programs/tools are developed for Linux or to be exact *nix systems by the great open source community. For sure, there are much more fun does exist in Linux terminal than any other imaginable OS. One of the fun thing is Cowsay command which is installed by default in Linux Mint distro. I don’t explain about Cowsay here, you better explore it yourself.
In Linux you can also generate a great list of *nix ASCII logos easily by using Screenfetch command. You can install it on Debian/Ubuntu based distributions by using this command,
$ sudo apt-get install screenfetch
The output of the command in Ubuntu systems would be look like this.
You also can generate ASCII logo for another Linux distribution by using -D command. For instance, you can make FreeBSD Unix in by using following command.
$ screenfetch -D freebsd